Friday, March 15, 2019

Maxi brown belted coat: a transitional outfit

Maxi brown belted coat: a transitional outfit on Fashion and Cookies fashion blog, fashion blogger style

Maxi brown belted coat: a transitional outfit 

This maxi brown belted coat was one of my last Winter clothing purchases and I have been wearing it very often as a transitional piece. So, before starting to post Spring clothes I have thought about showing you this layered outfit, perfect for this time of the year, when some days are still cold and fresh. This look, in earth colors, features also a leopard print suit composed of large cropped pants and a top. A small burgundy pouch from Malloni and a brim hat added a stylish touch.

Maxi cappotto marrone con cintura: un outfit di transizione

Questo maxi cappotto con cintura marrone è stato uno dei miei ultimi acquisti invernali e lo sto indossando spesso come capo di transizione. Quindi, prima di iniziare a postare abbigliamento primaverile ho pensato di mostrarvi questo outfit a strati, perfetto per questo periodo dell'anno, quando alcuni giorni sono ancora freschi e freddi. Questo look, nei toni della terra, prevede anche un completo a stampa leopardo composto da pantaloni larghi cropped e top. Una piccola clutch burgundy di Malloni e un cappello a falda hanno aggiunto un tocco di stile.

Maxi brown belted coat: a transitional outfit on Fashion and Cookies fashion blog, fashion blogger style

Maxi brown belted coat: a transitional outfit on Fashion and Cookies fashion blog, fashion blogger style

Compagnia Italiana coat
Malloni clutch
Giovanni Fabiani ankle boots

Maxi brown belted coat: a transitional outfit on Fashion and Cookies fashion blog, fashion blogger style

Maxi brown belted coat: a transitional outfit on Fashion and Cookies fashion blog, fashion blogger style

Maxi brown belted coat: a transitional outfit on Fashion and Cookies fashion blog, fashion blogger style

Maxi brown belted coat: a transitional outfit on Fashion and Cookies fashion blog, fashion blogger style

Maxi brown belted coat: a transitional outfit on Fashion and Cookies fashion blog, fashion blogger style

Maxi brown belted coat: a transitional outfit on Fashion and Cookies fashion blog, fashion blogger style

Maxi brown belted coat: a transitional outfit on Fashion and Cookies fashion blog, fashion blogger style

Maxi brown belted coat: a transitional outfit on Fashion and Cookies fashion blog, fashion blogger style

Maxi brown belted coat: a transitional outfit on Fashion and Cookies fashion blog, fashion blogger style

I love maxi coats that look like dressing gowns

It's not a secret that I don't like short coats much and I have an obsession for long, maxi coats that look like dressing gowns. I find them more elegant and stylish and also they remind me of the old Hollywood style. Give me a belted coat or trench anytime! So, I am happy that Winter is coming to an end soon but I am happy when I wear a beautiful coat, I can tell it's one of the few Winter things I am going to miss, what about you?

Mi piacciono i maxi cappotti che sembrano vestaglie

Non è un segreto che non mi piacciano i cappotti corti e che abbia una ossessione per i cappotti lunghi, maxi, che sembrano delle vestaglie. Li trovo più eleganti e stilosi e mi ricordano anche il vecchio stile Hollywood. Datemi un cappotto o trench con cintura quando vi pare! Quindi, sono felice che l'inverno sia agli sgoccioli ma sono felice anche quando indosso un bel cappotto, posso affermare che si tratti di una delle poche cose invernali che mi mancheranno, cosa ne pensate?

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  1. Love the look! Hope to see you on my Fancy Friday linkup party!

  2. You look super cool in your animal print look, dear Vale! Happy weekend!
    xx from Bavaria/Germany, Rena

  3. Very interesting design. It's unusual which is nice.

  4. Oh my gosh, how great is that print?! I love this outfit from head to toe!

  5. I love coats too, in fact I love Winter so much because I enjoy wearing coats!

    Your leopard suit is gorgeous, especially the pants with the striped edge. X

  6. Such rich colors and yet so interesting too!!
    I love this look Vale.

  7. The coat looks fabulous with this animal print set! So incredibly chic.

  8. Bellissimo questo cappotto...e ti sta cosi bene! Mi piace anche questo completo nella stampa leopardata. Sei perfetta Vale!


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