Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Cocks on my dress plus are Valentino Rockstuds still in style?

Cocks on my dress plus are Valentino Rockstuds still in style? on Fashion and Cookies fashion blog

A cock print dress and are Valentino Rockstud still in style?

Cocks on my dress! Dear readers, bear with me. I am very busy at the moment trying to finish my thesis to get my second Uni degree, I have a job and in spite of my natural attitude to live my life partying and shopping like a heiress, I have things to attend to. Besides, to be bluntly honest, if I have one hour of spare time, I'll turn Netflix on and binge watch my favorite tv series. I have been spending my blogging hours writing law stuff, that's why I have been pretty much offline from socials and such, but I will be back in full force asap. I thought about posting something cool, and this dress was my choice, I wore it on my birthday together with a pair of Valentino Rockstuds. Are Rockstuds still in style? The answer is definitely yes, they have become iconic shoes and are sold in many colors and also kinds of leather. They are an investment (better not to buy cheap Valentino Rockstud dupes as it's totally another thing) and also a comfy choice, plus they don't suffer from the 7th year crisis, as they were born in 2010.

Un abito a stampa galli e le Rockstud Valentino sono ancora di moda?

Galli sul mio abito! Cari lettori, sopportatemi. Sono molto occupata al momento cercando di finire la mia tesi per la seconda laurea, ho un lavoro e nonostante la mia naturale propensione a vivere di shopping e party come farebbe un'ereditiera, ho cose da fare. E a dirvela tutta, se ho un'ora libera, mi dedico a Netflix per guardare le mie serie tv preferite. Sto dedicando le mie ore di blogging a scritti di diritto, ecco perché sto spesso offline e lontana da social e affini, ma tornerò a pieno regime presto. Ho pensato di postare qualcosa di cool, e questo abito è stata la mia scelta, l'ho indossato per il mio compleanno insieme a un paio di Rockstud Valentino. Sono ancora di moda le Rockstud Valentino? La risposta è ovviamente sì, ormai sono diventate scarpe iconiche e vengono prodotte in tanti colori glam e anche in diversi tipi di pellame. Decisamente sono un investimento (meglio non prendere le scarpe imitazione Valentino Rockstud, è tutta un'altra cosa) e sono anche comode, non soffrono la crisi del settimo anno, essendo "nate" nel 2010.

Cocks on my dress plus are Valentino Rockstuds still in style? on Fashion and Cookies fashion blog

Gucci sunglasses
Il te' delle cinque dress
Valentino Rockstud pumps

Cocks on my dress plus are Valentino Rockstuds still in style? on Fashion and Cookies fashion blog

Cocks on my dress plus are Valentino Rockstuds still in style? on Fashion and Cookies fashion blog

 Cocks on my dress plus are Valentino Rockstuds still in style? on Fashion and Cookies fashion blog

Cocks on my dress plus are Valentino Rockstuds still in style? on Fashion and Cookies fashion blog

Cocks on my dress plus are Valentino Rockstuds still in style? on Fashion and Cookies fashion blog

 Cocks on my dress plus are Valentino Rockstuds still in style? on Fashion and Cookies fashion blog
Cocks on my dress plus are Valentino Rockstuds still in style? on Fashion and Cookies fashion blog

Cocks on my dress and Gucci sunglasses on Fashion and Cookies fashion blog

 Who doesn't need a cock print dress in her life?

When I saw this dress I had to buy it straight away, after all who doesn't need a cock print dress in her life? Cocks are fierce, and they know when to fight...just like a woman fighting to have everything done, house, family, job and keeping her hobbies. Studying is also a great opportunity, going back to books after years feels great even if it makes you feel a bit tired. So, thank you for reading until now and see you very very soon, I got so many things to tell you and show you!

chi non ha bisogno di un abito con galli nella sua vita?

Quando ho visto questo abito ho dovuto acquistarlo immediatamente, dopotutto chi non ha bisogno di un abito con galli nella sua vita? I galli sono audaci, e sanno quando è ora di combattere...proprio come una donna che intenda avere tutto, casa, famiglia, lavoro e mantenere i suoi hobby. Anche studiare è una grande opportunità, e tornare sui libri dopo anni è una bella esperienza anche se stancante. Allora, grazie per aver letto questo post e ci vediamo prestissimo, ho tante cose da dirvi e mostrarvi!

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  1. Oh yes, I agree, those shoes have quickly become the most wanted item and are by now classics and I can see us girls wearing them for many years to come. I personally haven't invested in a pair yet but will for sure treat myself red or black ones to start with easy to style ones and then venture into more bright and unique ones like yours later on.
    I'm loving the pattern of your dress and it suits you perfectly! :)

  2. Sono stupende le tue Valentino, e trovo molto simpatico l'abito! In bocca al lupo per la tua tua seconda laurea.

  3. Love your printed dress :) Your pumps are just wow!
    Wonderful post dear!
    Beauty and Fashion Freaks

  4. It's different but very nice. The shoes fit perfectly with the dress!

  5. This is so lovely, Vale!
    Good luck with your studies---that's an incredible achievement!!
    ps...I'm sorry I hadn't responded to some of your comments on my blog in the past----I just found a bunch in spam---ugh!!

  6. wow this dress is gorgeous :)

  7. L'abito è stupendo ma io mi sono innamorata delle tue scarpe *.*

  8. le rockstud non passano mai di moda! ma che forte il vestito!

  9. Un abito con i galli in effetti è qualcosa che ci manca! Il tuo look è super glam! ;)
    Agnese & Elisa

  10. Gorgeous dress and shoes, absolutely love the colour on you! :)

    Kriselle x

  11. You keep giving me more reasons to admire you! Getting another degree, especially while working at a job, is hard. I respect that. The dress and shoes are cute as always.


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