Thursday, November 01, 2012

November is here...time to recap !

Another month passed by, November is here and the air is getting very fresh, winter is coming !
Finally I have completed the seasonal change in my closets and, since there is less daylight, I am starting to enjoy free time on the couch with a warm blanket.
It's also time for a recap of October's outfits, here they are ! Let me know which one you prefer !.

Un altro mese è passato velocemente, Novembre è quì, l'aria si è notevolmente rinfrescata, si sente che l'inverno sta per arrivare !
Finalmente il cambio stagione nei miei armadi è stato completato e, anche perché le giornate si sono accorciate, inizio ad apprezzare i momenti di libertà sul divano insieme ad un caldo plaid.
E' arrivato anche il momento di fare il riepilogo degli outfits postati ad Ottobre, eccoli...fatemi sapere qual è il vostro preferito !.

1. French word top, Rochas shoes, hair in a pony tail in Cortina

Fashion and Cookies looks of October

2. Army green and lace dress, wedge pumps, the military trend gone very girly !

Fashion and Cookies looks of October

3. Not too casual: green pants !, green pants and a statement necklace

Fashion and Cookies looks of October

4. Camouflage feather pants, featuring pants from Maison Scotch

Fashion and Cookies looks of October

5. Leopard coat, dark lips, the bolder look posted this month with a Zara coat and a dark Chanel lipstick

Fashion and Cookies looks of October

6. Plaid print trend: Zara shirt, featuring a trendy lumberjack style with check shirt and wedge sneakers !

Fashion and Cookies looks of October

Shopping tips: Romwe's buyer's pick starting on 2nd November !

Up to 30% off, from November 2nd through November 8th on Romwe! Don't miss the chance, here's the link to the Buyer's pick page, you can see many nice items !

Reminder: Romwe "trick or treat" $200 worth giveaway !

Romwe Trick or treat giveaway ! Win 2 x $100 gift cards !

Let me remind you that thanks to Romwe and Fashion and Cookies two lucky winners can win a $100 gift card each for their online shopping !. This $200 worth Giveaway is open worldwide, up until November 10th and you need to fill in the Rafflecopter form you can find clicking here ;-).

Remember to follow Fashion and Cookies on:

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and my looks on:

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  1. Hard to believe it is already November! I love all of the outfits you posted, you are so stylish :)


  2. So many beautiful looks! It's hard to believe it is officially time to bundle up! Sigh!

  3. vale, i refuse to choose a favorite, because they all look grand! :)

  4. great outfits!!

    Follow my blog with Bloglovin

  5. You always look fabulous, so is hard to choose only one outfit <3 but my favourite is the last one with the leopard coat.

    I hope you are having a nice weekend,
    see you!

  6. I would have to say 2 for a fancy look and 4 for the casual look:), but they're all great:)!

  7. I honestly can't pick a favourite because I like something about every outfit here! the colours, prints, accessories, layering - you name it ;)

    Maikeni blogi - part of me

  8. e benvenuto novembre!!! adoro il secondo look cara .. baci

  9. Wow I love all of your outfits!! But I think that my favourite one is the number 4! =D really nice and pretty !

    (btw I've changed my blog, so that's normal if you see a new one!)

  10. love your outfits! have a great november! :)


  11. Ciao Vale ma cosa mi ero persa!!! Le francesine della prima foto mi hanno rapita il cuore....ed insieme al cappottino a stampa animalier sono imbattibili!!

  12. scelgo il primo putfit :)

  13. A me piacciono tutti come sempre però devo dire che mi sto davvero mangiando i gomiti per quel cappottino leopard print di zara, proprio bello!

    Don't Call Me Fashion Blogger

  14. yaaaay LOVE!!! Happy November!!
    and I see lots of lace and leopard!! here's to a great month!


  15. the first look is the best. :)

  16. ciao Vale! ottobre è volato! i miei looks preferiti sono quello con il cappottino leopardato ed i pantaloni camouflage! un bacio cara e buon we:*

  17. Hi! I'm looking for mutual followers.

  18. Utilissimo questo post: visto che sono una nuova follower ho trovato riepilogati tutti gli outfit e voto assolutamente per il vestito in pizzo, visto che questa è una mia passione. Ma anche il cappottino leopardato è delizioso ;)))


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