Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Not too casual: green pants !

green h&m pants, wedge shoes

In these days I've been shopping like crazy and most of my purchases, both from online stores and from shops in my town, are short dresses or skirts, but weirdly I've been wearing pants more often than ever. In these pics I am experimenting with new pants I bought at H&M, they come from the "divided" line. I love the color and the shape because they are not exagerately low waisted. Green is definately one of my fave colors and this color matches my Sodini necklace I had already showed you !.

In questi giorni ho fatto parecchio shopping e la maggior parte dei miei acquisti, sia provenienti da shop online che da negozi della mia città, hanno riguardato abitini e gonne, invece stranamente mi sto ritrovando ad indossare pantaloni più spesso del solito. In queste foto sto provando i miei nuovi pantaloni presi da da H&M nella sezione "divided". Mi piacciono il colore e il modello, non troppo a vita bassa. Il verde è sicuramente uno dei miei colori preferiti e quello di questi pantaloni si abbina perfettamente al verde della collana Sodini che vi avevo già mostrato !.

green h&m pants, wedge shoes

green h&m pants, wedge shoes

H&M divided green pants
Celyn B. black top
Guess by Marciano wedge pumps
Marc by Marc Jacobs "too hot to handle" tote

green h&m pants, wedge shoes

Moschino belt
Dolce & Gabbana sunnies
Sodini necklace

green h&m pants, wedge shoes

This outfit is casual but not too much, thanks to my Celyn B black top, simple but elegant, and my beloved wedge pumps !. You had been warned that I would have used them in other outfits soon ! ;).
You can also see my Marc by Marc Jacob burgundy tote and a new entry, a moustache ring ;).

Questo outfit è casual ma non troppo, grazie al mio top nero di Celyn B, semplice ma elegante, e le adorate pumps con zeppa !. Eravate stati avvisati del fatto che le avrei usate presto in altri outfits ! ;).
Potete anche vedere la mia tote di Marc by Marc Jacobs ed una new entry, un anello "con i baffi" ;).

Marc by Marc Jacobs bag, moustache ring

Details of Marc by Marc Jacobs bag and moustache ring
China Glaze nail polish
BVLGARI BZero ring
Michael Kors rose gold watch

green h&m pants, wedge shoes

green h&m pants, wedge shoes

Celyn B leather jacket

green h&m pants, wedge shoes

I also had a jacket with me, a leather jacket from Celyn B. I love it and I would wear it all the time, with pants but also with long skirts !.
If I could choose, I'd want the weather to stay like this for several months...not too cold, not too hot...perfection ! This is what I call "leather jacket weather", it usually doesn't last for I wanna enjoy it with more walks in open air !.
As the serial shopper I am, I have ended up buying these pants also in another color...guess it ! ;))

Avevo con me anche una giacca, un giubbino in pelle di Celyn B., un capo che adoro e che indosserei tutte le volte, con pantaloni ma anche con gonne lunghe !.
Se potessi scegliere, vorrei che il tempo restasse così per parecchi mesi...non troppo freddo, né troppo perfezione ! Questo è proprio tempo da giacche in pelle, di solito non dura a lungo, per cui intendo godermelo facendo più passeggiate all'aria aperta !.
Da serial shopper quale sono, ho finito per comprare questi pantaloni anche in un altro colore...indovinatelo ! ;))

green h&m pants, wedge shoes

green h&m pants, wedge shoes

green h&m pants, wedge shoes

green h&m pants, wedge shoes

The highlights of my week so far have been:
1) going to the movies to see "The art of rap", a documentary film directed by Ice-T that takes us on a journey into the heart and soul of hip-hop with the legends of rap music. Maybe you didn't know I love hip-hop !. Has anyone else watched it ?
2) getting a cold...I've been sneezing and feeling a bit sick :(
3) sending out multiple orders on asos ! I seriously got addicted !
4) yelling at my Iphone because Instagram keeps making my phone crash...I can't wait to get myself an Iphone 5 ;)
5) being glad cause Gossip Girl is back and a bit sad because it's the last serie...ok, the plot is not the best one but it amuses me and keeps me entertained, sometimes it's enough !

I momenti clou della mia settimana fino ad oggi sono stati:
1) andare al cinema a vedere "The art of rap", un film documentario diretto da Ice-T che ci porta in un viaggio nel cuore e nell'anima dell'hip-hop con le leggende della musica rap. Forse non sapevate che amo l'hip-hop !. Voi lo avete visto ?
2) prendere il raffreddore...continuo a starnutire e mi sento abbastanza a pezzi :(
3) fare ordini multipli su asos ! Sono diventata dipendente !
4) insultare il mio Iphone perché Instagram lo fa andare in crash...non vedo l'ora di avere un Iphone 5 ;)
5) essere felice per il ritorno di Gossip Girl e anche un po' triste perché è l'ultima serie...ok, la scenneggiatura non è delle migliori ma mi diverte e mi intrattiene, a volte è abbastanza !

green h&m pants, wedge shoes

green h&m pants, wedge shoes

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  1. Loooove your pants !!!

    XX Selma

  2. I love the color of your pants! I'm searching a similar one :)

  3. Nice outfits. It really looks good on you.


  4. You look incredible! Love those jeans on you and your necklace goes amazingly with it. :)


  5. Fantastic bag and necklace!! I like your style a lot, you always look great in every outfit :)

  6. perfetta direi!!!adoro la tua collana!!mi piacciono molto i colori dei pantaloni!!baci!!
    Freaky Friday

    Freaky Friday Facebook Fan Page

  7. This is a great outfit. That Marc Jacobs tote is beautiful & I love the colour of the pants.
    Thanks for visiting my blog - following you!


  8. Credo che tu li bbia presi anche i burgundy, sbaglio?? Sono molto blli questi jeans ma l'occhio mi è proprio finito slla collana d sodini che trovo magnifica!!
    Don't Call Me Fashion Blogger

  9. bellissimi i pantaloni e bellissima tu!

  10. Thanks for sharing...Complimenti vivissimi: il Tuo è un Look veramente Superbo, rasenta la Perfezione...Hai proprio ragione:sembrerebbe casuale ma...è studiato nei minimi dettagli (adoro il Tuo anello baffuto!)come un'Opera d'Arte! e Tu sei davvero un'Artista dello Stile!!
    Però...pensa se potessi accoppiare al Tuo Look una delle Art-Shoes by Aurè...magari quella di Rafia...Immaggini il Risultato?...

  11. Bellissima la collana, mi piace come porti il chiodo nero, rendendolo meno aggressivo!! Penso che tu abbia scelto i pantaloni anche nello stesso colore della tua bag Marc Jacobs, mi sbaglio??!!
    Buona giornata!

  12. la mia attenzione è rivolta sulla collana *_* bellissima!

  13. Stunning outfit, love the bag and the necklace!

  14. bellissimo look Vale, mi piacciono molto i colori, specie dei pantaloni e della borsa assieme! un bacio cara!:*

  15. Nice Blog! Love Your Style <3
    Follow you :)
    xxo Nana

  16. You look amazing! I love the green pants, such a great color on you!

    xo, Yi-chia
    Always Maylee

  17. adoro questo look .. stai benissimo .. la giacca è stupenda!!! guarisci presto .. maledetto raffreddore e concordo gu g.g.!!! baci cara

  18. molto bello il tuo outfit

  19. So stylish! That necklace is fabulous!
    Followed you on gfc and bloglovin :)

  20. Oh my goodness girl, YOU LOOK ABSOLUTELY INCREDIBLE! Seriously, I cant believe you could walk down the street like this and not get a million guys staring at you. Wish I had that talent ;) haha
    I love the outfit!

  21. Thanks for leaving a comment!
    We do like your beautiful blog and love your outfits. Of course we are following you! Hope you follow back.

  22. I have follow you, your look is so georgous ! Awesome items xxx

  23. Great outfit ! Love the color of your bag and nice pants

  24. love your blog!
    of course i'd love to follow each other =)
    let me know and i'll follow you too =)

  25. GREAT LOOK :) yuo'r beautiful women!
    We follow each other?

  26. Thankyou for ur comment, offcourse would love to follow you :D great outfit x **New follower via GFC, now ur turn**

  27. ¬¬ I forgot to suscribe in GFC! But now you can see me, I'm a new follower :D Thank you!!!

  28. Love the style and colour of your handbag!!

  29. gorgeous outfit! thank you for visiting my blog following you on bloglovin and gfc now! would love it if you could follow back! thank you so much <3

  30. You are very, very beautiful... I like so much.


  31. ma questa collana?? mi sono usciti gli occhi dalle orbite^__^ baci elena

  32. Your outfit is fantastic, your choice of accessories are the ones that is making this outfit a spectacular one. Lovely blog, visit my blog and let me know if you want to follow on bloglovin and GFC and I will follow back

  33. Vim retribuir sua visita..amei seu blog!! De muito bom gosto..já estou te seguindo. Abraços. Sandra

  34. An interesting combination of colors!

  35. Hey pretty lady!! So perfect! Love the fall palate and the casual chicness. well done!

    With Love From Hollywood,
    Fashion Addict

  36. I love the photos and outfit! You look lovely! Tahnks for visiting my blog! I'm following you on gfc and bloglovin :)

  37. Hello ¡!! Thanks for your visit and your lovely comment, of course we can follow each other, I have a count in facebook, twitter, bloglovin, pinterest and lookbook, in case you want to keep in touch there too… follow me and I´ll follow you back wherever you want ok!

  38. Thanks for your nice comment and following :) We're so happy about that :D Now we follow you on Bloglovin too :)
    Have a nice week-end!
    xxo Nana

  39. Thank you for stopping by my blog, It means a lot to me:) Your blog is simply fasinating, you are so beautiful!
    It would be great to follow each other,so I'm following you right now, hope u will do same:)
    Have a fabulous time!

    best wishes, Alex

  40. Love your look!! I'm in love with your Moschino belt...
    Have a nice weekend!!


  41. Vale :) Mi piaceno a morire la borsa e la giacca ! Carinissima come sempre. Bacio fortissimo da Barcellona.

    Álvaro LESEASONNIER.COM - New Pic. In

  42. Hi!!! The moustache ring rocks!! I will follow you with Google Friend connect right now.

    See you!! ;)

  43. Hi dear
    Thanks for your comment some weeks ago on my blog
    So cute outfit, love the colors

    Kiss kiss.*Jo

  44. That necklace is amazing!
    Thank you for your comment in our blog! We agree we follow each other by gfc!

  45. Bellissimo l'outfit! :) Mi piace il tuo blog, se vuoi possiamo seguirci a vicenda, fammi sapere :) Baci, Mina.
    Il mio blog: The Style Fever

  46. Bello questo outfit!
    I pantaloni sono carinissimi! :)

  47. vale, you are looking very fine in your H&M pants. casual elegance at its best. fierce jacket! did you buy purple pants? i like gossip girl too, but the latest episode was kind of odd.

  48. adoro sodini e quella collana è un sogno!!

  49. Wow!great outfit!
    I really like your necklace!

  50. The pants' and and the bag's colors are a nice match. I love your belt.

  51. Love ur necklace dear.. awesome it is.. ur outfit is amazing! :)

    Maybe you have time see my New post- Udobuy: Something chic

    -->Join my Thank you GIVEAWAY & WIN a Prodigy Red Bag: Choose from 4 colors <--


  52. Great look! Very chic! Would you like to follow each other on GFC and blogloving?

    Let me know!



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