Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Studded boots, asymmetrical skirt

One of the trends of the moment is the asymmetrical skirt, could a fashionista like me resist without buying at least one ? Obviously not ! I got this asymmetrical skirt from Zara and I have paired it with my brand new Jeffrey Campbell "Devoure" studded boots, I fell in love with them as soon as I saw them, wanting them and buying them has been immediate !.
I paired the green skirt with a simple black wool sweater and a furry vest, and used a Moschino belt I've bought a long time ago.
I added a bit of color block with my Prada bag that was as heavy as it could be...everytime I ask myself why do I keep bringing so many things with me and the answer is that I am a control freak, I like to have many things with me even if I won't use them at all. Since when I have the Ipad, I try to make it fit inside my bags...it fits inside of this one, but it sure adds some extra weight and I didn't need it !.

Uno dei trend del momento è la gonna asimmetrica, poteva una fashionista come me resistere senza acquistarne neanche una ? Ovviamente no ! Ho comprato questa gonna da Zara e l'ho indossata insieme ai miei nuovi stivaletti borchiati di Jeffrey Campbell, modello "Devour", con loro è stato amore a prima vista !.
Ho abbinato la gonna verde con un maglioncino di lana leggera nero e un gilet di pelliccia sintetica, usando una mia vecchia cintura di Moschino.
Ho aggiunto un po' di color block con la borsa rosso ciliegia di Prada, che devo ammettere era davvero pesante...ogni volta mi chiedo il perché continui a portare così tante cose nella mia borsa e la risposta è che sono una fissata del controllo, mi piace avere tutto a portata di mano anche se poi finisco per non usare quasi nulla. Poi, da quando ho l'Ipad, cerco di farlo entrare in borsa...riesco a farlo entrare perfettamente in questa ma sicuramente aggiunge del peso extra del quale non avevo bisogno !.

Skirt: Zara
Boots: Jeffrey Campbell "Devour"
Furry vest: Guess
Belt: Moschino
Bag: Prada
Sunnies: Rayban

Browsing through this outfit and also the previous post of my blog I understand more and more that I have an eclectic style. It's just like when I go to the movies - I am an avid Sci-fi fan, a sucker for romantic movies, a lover of funny ones, so interested by dramas and true stories. If I like so many different kind of stories, then why should I just keep my style the same ? I think it's ok for iconic people such as Karl Lagerfeld, Anna Wintour, Armani, to sport the same look over and over.
I prefer to change and to buy things I like without worrying if they fit in a certain style or not or if it might result annoying to a "few close minded people". I think this comes with adult age...when I was a teenager I had my black turtleneck moment and felt like disappearing in the crowd...I didn't step out much of my comfort zone, all I wanted was to be like the others, now instead I'd feel so bored dressing up always in the same way !. I have to say I feel myself whatever I wear cause my look does not define me, I am the one defining my look, what do you think ?. I am not afraid to experiment and most of all I have fun with fashion :-). Oh, and I am just slightly annoyed when people stare at my outfits, or just don't understand them. Life would be so boring if we all dressed and thought the same, don't you think so ?.

Riguardando questo outfit e gli outfit precedenti del mio blog capisco sempre di più di avere uno stile eclettico. E' come quando vado al cinema - sono un'amante della fantascienza, adoro i film romantici, mi piace ridere con quelli comici, seguo i film drammatici e autobiografici. Se mi piacciono tanti generi diversi, perché dovrei mantenere il mio stile sempre uguale ?. Penso sia ok per icone come Karl Lagerfeld, Anna Wintour, Armani, indossare sempre lo stesso tipo di abbigliamento.
Io preferisco cambiare e comprare ciò che mi piace senza preoccuparmi se rientri nello stesso stile o se possa irritare qualche "mente più chiusa". Penso sia anche una conseguenza dell'età adulta...quando ero una teenager ho avuto il mio momento delle maglie a collo alto nere, volevo sparire in mezzo alla folla...l'importante era non spiccare ed essere uguale agli altri era più importante, ora invece mi annoierei indossando sempre lo stesso tipo di abiti !.
Devo dire che mi sento me stessa qualsiasi cosa indossi perché non è il look a definire me, sono io a definire il mio look, che ne pensate ?. Non ho paura di sperimentare e soprattutto mi diverto a giocare con la moda :-). Inoltre, sono solo leggermente infastidita quando qualcuno mi fissa o non capisce il mio abbigliamento. La vita sarebbe molto noiosa se tutti vestissimo e la pensassimo nello stesso modo, non credete ?.

Details of my accent manicure made with Dior "Waterlily" and OPI "Jade is the new black"
Watch: Casio

Details of my studded Jeffrey Campbell boots

My closet is always ready to host new fashion items so wait for some more asymmetrical skirts outfits, they're a bit everywhere and I like this trend very much ! This, of course, until the next fashion obsession...cause fashion fades, but the desire for new trends doesn't ! It's what keeps fashion alive in my humble opinion !.

Il mio armadio è sempre pronto ad ospitare nuovi articoli di moda, pertanto aspettatevi altre foto con gonne asimmetriche, dato che sono un po' ovunque e questo trend mi piace molto ! Questo, ovviamente, fino al prossimo trend...perché le mode passano ma la voglia di nuove tendenze no ! E' ciò che a mio modesto parere tiene viva la moda !.

REMINDER: Glam Girl make up Giveaway !

Don't miss the chance to enter the amazing Glam Girl make up Giveaway, there's a chance to win two beautiful limited edition make up sets from Benefit and Urban Decay ! The giveaway is open internationally until February 28th, to enter fill in the Rafflecopter form you find here !. The winner will be announced on 29th February on this blog :-).

Non perdete l'occasione di partecipare al bellissimo Glam Girl Giveaway e avere la possibilità di vincere due bellissimi make up set in edizione limitata di Benefit e Urban Decay ! Il giveaway è internazionale ed è aperto fino al 28 Febbraio, per partecipare riempite il form di Rafflecopter che trovate quì !. Il vincitore sarà annunciato il 29 Febbraio quì sul blog :-).



  1. I love this outfit! I don't have any asymmetrical skirts, but am considering getting one too! YOur is great, and I love love love your boots!! They are amazing! xx


  2. I really like this combination, esp. your boots and skirt!
    I'm also into this trend of asymmetrical skirts which I have 2 now, but it feels like I want to buy everything asymmetrical right now :D


  3. Nice outfit. I like the teal and burgundy mix. Funky shoes too! :)

  4. lovely studded boots

  5. gorgeous skirt!!


  6. Love the skirt dear!


    I´m having a SB Bracelets GIVEAWAY on my blog tomorrow, check it out =)

  7. Oh my God!
    I'm in love with your boots! So stunning! And that green asymetric skirt plus that red Prada? Awesome!


  8. i wholeheartedly agree. vale, they're probably staring cause they wish they could be as pretty as you are, & have as much style. :) this outfit is supreme bliss in jade. your nails, the boots, the skirt, the black vest for texture, & your very heavy red bag. rock on!

  9. I am obsessed with asymmetrical skirts and dresses!! love this skkrt on you, and the studded booties are BEYOND amazing!!


  10. your bag sure looks heavy, we're the same..i bring lots that i dont really use..love that skirt!

  11. i like the way you wear your asymmetrical skirt. I'm still trying to find the perfect one for myself.

  12. Gorgeous skirt hun! I LOVE it hun! I also love that bag, it's cute! Great post hun! :)

  13. so in love with your two length skirt.
    you look great

    xo kaitlin

  14. bella come sempre,il verde ti dona :)

  15. This is one of my most favorites outfits on you! Love it!! *___*


  16. This skirt and these boots look great! :)

  17. You look fabulous! i'm in love with that skirt!

    xx, Lena

  18. adoro il tuo stile, al passo con i tempi e sempre molto personale. la gonna asimmetrica è stupenda.
    brava vale.

    Virtuosismi ChicVirtuosismi Chic

  19. Mi piace proprio tutto!:) Baci!:)

  20. I love this skirt - you styled it beautifully and the color is just stunning!


  21. Cute outfit!

    Thanks for the comment!
    New post:New designs Day+Evening

  22. Great outfit! Love your booties and skirt!

  23. I'm so in love with your boots. The whole outfit is great and you look amazing. Love this :)


  24. i must have that skirt! i was at zara the other day, but i can never find anything in my size =(. also i envy your shoe closet, if you have a daughter she best be praying she'll be the same size as you when she grows up. she'll have one amazing collection.


  25. I love your blog, it's really nice, what about following us?

  26. oooooooooohhhhhhhhh.... I want SO much a skirt like this one, there is no one here :s . I adore the whole look, especially this moschino belt.

    Julie - http://juliechoice.blogspot.com/

  27. Awesome combination asymmetrical skirt with studded boots - two different shades of green look perfect together!Love your amazing burgundy Prada bag and Moschino belt!

  28. Thank you for your comment on my post i am so glad you liked it.

    I love those pics so much ! I wish I could live in New York ! I confess I couldn't sit on the edge of such a high terrace, I'd be scared to death !
    this is what u said, maybe i would be scared too, but NY is my fave city in the world.
    your outfit is fab and i think that you should stay true to yourself and what makes you, you. never change to fit in with the others, you are who you are and u should love it.
    love the red-teal combination.
    ps i am now following you via pretty much everything, as i entered your giveaway (fab!!!).
    mind you following me back via bloglovin and GFC.
    it would make me sooooooooooo happyyyyyyy

  29. It's a great combination! I'm in love with your boots, they're so unique and amazing! wow!

  30. i love how you mix up all those items and make it into fab outfit. i like the skirt.


  31. I want the boots and the skrit it looks so beautiful!!




  32. Hey!
    Thanks for your comment...
    I also like to experiment with clothes so I agree with you :)
    Like your skirt

  33. Your blog is always so wonderful !!!:))
    I loved this post !!!;)

    A great weekend!

  34. great look!!! love your skirt and boots!!

  35. The bag just made me swoon! Thanks for stopping by my blog. I'm now following!



  36. This outfit is gorgeous, i love your skirt.


  37. Woooowwww...com' è bello questo look!!! Mi piacciono tantissimo anche gli stavaletti borchiati..sono proprio un amore! :-D
    PS: Partecipa al Valentine Contest di Oh,My Shoes qui, e vinci una shopping card di 300 euro!

    Fashion Crazy Ball

  38. Super stylish and fabulous! I am in love with the whole look!


  39. è carinissima questa gonna...io ho visto un abito con la gonna così...e lo voglioooooooo!!! :)

  40. great look!!! really love the bag and skirt! and those shoes are awesome

  41. I'm very impressed with your styling...

  42. Such an amazing look! I love the skirt (and happen to have a similar one!) and the manicure is perfection!

    xx, Susann
    Fashion in Pepperland

  43. Like your style!
    Zara one of my favorite shops...)
    Your boots is perfect <3

  44. Your bag is amazing!


  45. Gorgeous! The colours are beautiful and the skirt looks great on you! LOVE the colour of your manicure too :D x

  46. I loveeeeee this skirt!!!
    Perfectly paired with these boots :D

    Nice style honey!

    Kisses xx

  47. Parole sagge!!Sono d' accordissimo fino all' ultima virgola!!Questo uotfit poi è eccezionale,la gonna asimmetrica è molto trendy,come la cintura moschino che non passa mai di moda ;) Un bacio cara,spero di vederti presto nel mio blog ^^

  48. I am totally digging the trend of asymmetrical skirts..
    Well, fashion is meant to be experimental..and be what you want it to be..so let people stare..Don't bother :):)
    Thank you for stopping by my blog and for your lovely comment. I am glad you liked my post. Please do visit me again :) if my blog interests please feel free to follow me. I shall be happy to do the same for you!!

  49. These boots are heavenly! And I have the exact same watch! x

  50. I love your outfit! I'm a big fan of Zara. I wish there was one near me!

  51. Stunning outfit!!

    One blog award for you http://fairy-anna.blogspot.com/2012/02/blog-awards.html

  52. In love with this outfit and those shoes! Following you :) follow me back if you'd like


  53. I love your outfit. I like how flowy the skirt is. Your nail polish matches wonderfully. I also love the boots and your close up photo made me love them even more. I love the different shapes of the studs and the stars!

  54. Nice post! Love maxi dress! Check my blog and follow me if you want!


  55. Your outfit is very chic, classy, and sophisticated. I like the asymetrical skirt A LOT. I also like how it's flowy in the back and the amazing teal color. :)

    You should definitely try BB creams. I really like how they feel on the skin. I'm excited to use my new ones and review them too.

    Awesome giveaways, by the way. :)

  56. You're looking very much beautiful and pretty. And your blog is looking cute (:

    I love specially the boots n the moschino belt...s2 ill follow u , kiss.


  57. Lovely outfit, it all goes so well together and I'm in love with your shoes! XxxX http://thesecondhandrose.blogspot.com/

  58. Thanks for writing Vale. What a sweet and supportive comment! Yup it takes a long time for us to understand our skin. Glad you found the post useful! Come back soon x

  59. beautiful ;)
    i've got a question. How can you do that i only must click and i'm inf your blog?;)

  60. I love your outfit! the skirt is gorgeous!


  61. Cute post - I love the sheer skirt on you, it looks fab..!



  62. Wow, so glad I found your blog! Thanks for the sweet comment! I'd love to follow eachother! Just did! Please follow back! thanks so much, best wishes, and I'll be back soon! <3 Sarah


  63. Great look hun!thanks for your sweat words!Of course I 'll follow you on bloglovin and GFC!Big kiss!

  64. what lloveely boots *__*

    thank you very much for the comment!

  65. Ciao Vale,
    grazie per il commento sul mio blog! :)
    Sono appena diventata una follower del tuo blog, spero ricambierai, mi farebbe davvero piacere. ;)
    Ho letto quest'ultimo tuo post e...lo condivido assolutamente in toto!!! :)


  66. Hello, I love your look and your skirt is beautiful color.

  67. lovely booties!!!!


  68. those booties are major!!!!!! <3 'em

  69. Your skirt is absolutely amazing! <3 I LOVE the entire outfit!


  70. Hola guapa!!!que bonito look! las faldas asimétricas me encantan!las he visto mucho pero no tengo ninguna aún!!A ver si cae...jejeje. Muchisimas gracias por pasarte por mi blog! hoy ya tienes una seguidora más! Bsitos desde Canarias!

  71. Thanks for visiting my blog!! I love it!! Now I´m your new follower! kisses http://trendytips-trendygirls.blogspot.com

  72. That skirt from Zara is really really really one of the best closet must haves! I bought one too :P I like how you wore yours, very chic :)

  73. oh thank you :)
    comunque adoro lo studded-style, e quel casio gold is love ;)
    bisous xxx

  74. Thank you for your visiting and the comment!I love your outfit!

  75. Great pics and great outfit!!!La tua borsa Prada e graziosissima:)I enjoyed a lot watching your blog and so i am now your newest follower.I would love if you could check out my blog and follow back if you like it:)


  76. I love your parade bag! I have the same one but in black! But now I've seen it in red i want it in red too!! Wahhh :(

  77. i love your boots!


  78. Tu estilo es increible. Me encanta!! Un look 10!! A mí también me gusta experimentar.

  79. woooowwwww I looooooove your studded booties, they are soooo sexy!!! gorgeous outfit too :))

  80. Loooove your outfit and the boots are superb!!!!

  81. ooh i love it! I'm also super caught up with the gorgeous asymmetrical skirt trend!! and i love the studded boots combo with this! :)



  82. è bellissimo questo outfit, è di classe e per niente anonimo ;)

  83. I totally love the skirt! :)

  84. ohh i just love this outfit!! lovely skirt, i really like the color!! and your shoes are awesome!! and i really like your nails, i keep seeing that idea lately where you paint one another color, i like it!! :)
    and thanks for stopping by my blog! :)

  85. ti scongiuro vendimi la gonna... il mio indirizzo mail è loscrignodialessia@yahoo.it


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