Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Spending my time...

Having a life is very time consuming ;). I think most of you will agree with me !. I very often wish my day lasted much more than 24 hours ! And if you are a blogger, you must have at least once felt guilty if neglecting your blog.
I have a full time job in an office and I like my job so much. It's the right dose of stability and also creativity. I spend a lot of time at the computer and yet, when I am at home and have got a bit of spare time, here I am, on the pc again. I know how time consuming surfin the net can be...I love to tweet so much, I check my e-mails, I visit my fave blogs, I try to reply to comments on my blog, I update my tumblr, check out my Facebook page, pick the photos for a post on my blog and when I do all of that the clock seems to go faster than usual !.
Besides all of this, I also have to find time for the house, the gym, seeing friends, spending quality time with love and family, watching all the tv series I am fond of (there's LOADS and the list keeps growing !) and, of course, practicing my favourit sport of all !. Do you also feel like if time is never enough to do all you wanna do or it is just me ?.

L'avere una vita propria richiede molto tempo ;). Credo che molti di voi saranno d'accordo con me !. Spesso vorrei che le mie giornate durassero molto più delle semplici 24 ore ! E in caso voi siate blogger, dovrete anche aver avuto almeno una volta la brutta sensazione di sentirvi in colpa in caso abbiate trascurato un po' il blog.
Io lavoro full time in un ufficio e mi piace molto il mio lavoro. Ha la giusta dose di stabilità e di creatività. Trascorro molto tempo al computer ed eppure, non appena a casa ho un po' di tempo libero, rieccomi di nuovo al pc.
Sapete quanto navigare in internet faccia perdere tempo...mi piace stare su Twitter, controllare la posta elettronica, visitare i miei blog preferiti, cercare di rispondere a tutti i commenti lasciati sul mio blog, aggiornare il tumblr, controllare la mia pagina su Facebook, scegliere le foto e scrivere un nuovo post sul blog e quando faccio tutte queste cose l'orologio sembra impennarsi e andare più velocemente del normale !.
Oltre a tutto questo, occorre trovare il tempo per la casa, la palestra, uscire con gli amici e stare con l'amore e con la famiglia, guardare tutte le serie tv che amo (una lunga lista che continua a crescere !) e, ovviamente, praticare il mio sport preferito: lo shopping !. Vi sentite anche voi come se il tempo non bastasse mai o sono solo io ?.

Python print dress: Blumarine
Furry jacket: Loriblu
Furry boots: Loriblu
White things are tiny snowflakes !

Me playing up with a Woolrich hat !
Bag: Fendi
Watch: Casio
Sunnies: Rayban
Necklace: Bvlgari - BZero

New on Fashion and Cookies !

Since I appreciate so much all the time my readers spend over my blog and I am happy to spend my time over some wonderful blogs, I wanna introduce you to a new feature of Fashion and Cookies...since the opening of this blog I've been receiving a few awards, the Versatile blogger Award, the Creative blogger award and some others that are very popular among the blogging community...well, I have decided to create a personal award from my blog, to be given from time to time to blogs I appreciate a lot for some special reasons - just to remember that having a successful blog doesn't mean having many followers, it means having quality posts and putting true passion in blogging. So, let me introduce you to the Cookie blog award ! The blogs tthat will receive this award will be linked on the post I make so that the others can visit them and if they accept it they'll be able to display it wherever they want with the code I will give them and also write down what is their fave fashion item and what is their fave kind of cookies :-P.
The blogs receiving the Cookie award today are...

Da Paura, Rachel's beautiful blog...she is creative, talented and I love her style and attitude ! She is american and she has a special relationship with my country, she's been living in Italy, check out her lovely blog !

Feast.Fashion.Faves, lovely blog from Amanda, she has such a sweet smile and loves food and shopping, her blog is an irresistable mixture of those !

Siccome apprezzo molto tutto il tempo che i miei followers trascorrono sul mio blog e sono contenta di trascorrere il mio leggendo alcuni blog meravigliosi, vorrei presentarvi una nuova caratteristica di Fashion and Cookies...da quando ho aperto il blog ho ricevuto diversi premi, il Versatile blogger award, Creative award e altri che sono molto diffusi nella community, pertanto ho deciso di creare un premio personale del mio blog da dare ogni tanto a dei blog che per me si distinguono particolarmente per la cura e l'impegno o qualche motivo in particolare - anche per ricordare che avere un blog di successo non significa certamente avere tanti lettori/followers, ma avere post di qualità che trasmettano passione in ciò che si fa. Pertanto, lasciate che vi presenti il Cookie blog Award ! I blog che lo riceveranno saranno linkati da me sul relativo post in modo che chi non li conosce li possa visitare e se i bloggers accetteranno, dovranno semplicemente disporlo dove vorranno con il codice che verrà dato da me e scrivere qual'è l'articolo fashion da loro preferito e quale gusto o tipo di Cookie è quello che preferiscono :-P.
I due blog premiati per questa prima volta sono quelli di Rachel e di Amanda, il cui link è scritto sopra nella parte in inglese ;).


Guys, don't forget to join my amazing Giveaway to win a fancy party dress by filling the rafflecopter form, you can read everything in this post !.

Non dimenticate di partecipare al mio Giveaway per vincere un abitino elegante Zeleb riempiendo il form di rafflecopter, potete leggere tutto in questo post !.



  1. I totally know what you mean about not having enough time and yes, I get guilty about neglecting my blog even if it's just for a couple of days.

    Nice outfit, I like your furry boots!

    Amelia @ UGLY DUCKLING x


  2. gorgeous hat and dress!!

  3. Girl totally! I wish I had at least 2 more hours in each day... Loving the print of your dress by the way :)


  4. you look amazing as always, great dress

  5. Mi piacciono tantissimo gli occhiali da sole <3 <3 Se ti va di passare sto pensando all'idea di fare un giveaway, fammi sapere cosa ne pensi :D Ti seguo :D

  6. Uh, life. Life is boring.
    XD O così direbbe Sherlock ;)

  7. Everything that you wrote regarding lack of time during the day and wishing that days could last longer than 24 hours... I agree with every single word you wrote. I feel the same and have the same problem of having too many things to do, too many people to be with and too little time to do it as much as I would want and as quality as it should be...

  8. thats pretty outfit for winter..:-)

  9. Dearest Vale, you have made my day and put the biggest smile on my face!!! I couldn't be more honoured by this award and especially that is coming from you -- someone that I admire, respect, and receive so much inspiration from. Thank you SO SO much... I will be displaying this in my next post, and adding it to my awards in the "press" tabs of my blog "pages." Thank you for your kind words as well, and how true my love for your country!

    Also, this outfit is beautiful. I'm especially smitten by those gorgeous boots... ahh so perfect and gorgeous with the way you styled them.

    Lastly, I didn't realize I need to fill something out for your I'm off to do it for sure!

    Thank you again xoxoxo

  10. @Rachel: You're so very welcome honey, you totally deserve it ! As you can see the "reply" thing doesn't work on my layout, grrr this is so annoying ! I will have to figure it out soon or later, gotta bring the nerd inside of me out, haha but as I wrote in my post, I lack of to bed now ! LOL
    Much love xoxo Vale

  11. omg! In a woman's life a day should have at least 30hours, don't you agree?

  12. absolutely know the feeling with not enough time....
    and such a great idea with the Cookie award!
    i totally agree, having a great blog does NOT mean having a ton of followers.
    ive seen blogs with 1000 followers and i just ask myself, why?
    and then i see blogs with 50 that are MUCH better and higher quality, and i think to myself that they definitely deserve more recognition.


    XOXO Kasia

  13. wooow...aren't you looking just oh so fierce in the snakeskin print and fur...niiice.

    Tweet Me!

  14. I totally agree. There are not enough hours in the day! And since I blog on my own time after my full time job as well, there isn't much time to do anything else!

    The cookie award is also a great idea!

    Keep doing what you're doing :)

    vonnie <3

  15. and oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh....THANK YOU SO MUCH for the award!! I am SO honored!!

    Tweet Me!

  16. you are one very busy woman, dear vale! your bluemarine outfit looks wonderful with or without the hat, & or the hood on your coat. i'll check out your friends' blogs right now. :)

  17. What a jam-packed schedule! How do you do it all and still look so good?

  18. I definitely know what you mean! You are amazing for being able to juggle it all! You look fantastic in these photos!

  19. Carinissima idea del tuo premio personale,sei dolcissima!!!Anch'io mi rendo conto che 24 ore sono un pò poche e a volte mi sento in colpa anch'io nel trascurare il blog!In queste foto stai benissimo,amo questo outfit e il vestito è fantastico!!Kiss

  20. wow you look fabulous my dear.
    love the sexy animal print

    xoxo katlin

  21. i love your dress! you look really pretty on it <3

  22. Que maravilla de post!

  23. tempo...pochissimo!!! mi riduco a dedicarmi alle faccende extra lavoro-casa-famiglia la sera, dopo aver messo a nanna la mia mini-donna, alle volte approfittando del fatto che il mio maritozzo il più delle volte torna tardi...però, quando riesco a fare tutto e BENE, mi sento stra-soddisfatta! BUONA GIORNATA!

  24. I couldn't agree more! there's never enough time to do all I want and I end up getting too little sleep! I always say the day should have a lot more than just 24h!!! love your boots! xo

  25. oh yes, the day should have at least 26 hours - then I could get enough sleep ;-)
    I love your dress, very beautiful!
    xxx Anita

  26. Oh my, I know this so well! Sometimes, I have so little time to post something on my blog! My Twitter is pretty abandoned and replying to my emails is getting pretty hard sometimes, because I have to do like thousand things at once and concentrate. Anyways, thanks for the sweet comment you left on my blog, I really appreciate it! ♥


  27. man, do I know what you mean! between studying for Uni exams, the TV series (I have loads on my list too, might do a calendar kinda thing on my blog one of these days) and the blog my last two weeks have flown by me like nobody's business...and yeah, no job, no friends, no being out of the house almost

    I love the personal award idea, too =)


  28. I often feel that there aren´t enough hours in my day.
    Love your outfit!

  29. ah, come ti capisco! purtroppo il tempo vola ;)
    btw, adorabile quel cappellino :)
    bisous xxx

  30. excelente dress!!!

  31. I´d also need a day to last longer than 24 hrs. I´d also need to have more money to spend it on coffees and food to have a chat with all my friends over. :) You look great of course and thank you very much for your personal invitation for your giveaway. All the dresses look gorgeus I´m just worried I wouldn´t have a place to wear them. I don´t go to formal mixers or balls that much...

  32. El problema con el tiempo es general, lo tenemos todas.A mi el blog me sirve un poco para desconectar de otras cosas así que de momento... aquí estoy.

  33. You look amazing, the dress is so so chic, and those boots are so hot.

  34. LOVE that fur trim coat!!! Looking glam as always!

  35. Amazing dress and killer boots! :) I love the idea of having awards! Thanks for sharing, I love finding new blogs to read and get inspiration from :)

  36. Even though I'm not working yet because I'm a high school student, I know perfectly what you're talking about. Sometimes I barely have time to do my homework and study, let alone blogging.

    By the way, I love the whole award idea, keep it up! Congratulations to the awarded girls :)

  37. I love this awesome dress. Snake print is gorgeous. The fur boots are stunning as well.

  38. I know exactly what you mean! Maybe we could work out how not to need sleep! I love your outfit - very chic!

    Hugs, Stephie x

  39. Totally agree, I've neglected my blog so much because of other work! I'm definitely getting back into blogging this year! xoxo

  40. I know what you mean about there not being enough hours in a day! I wish days were longer because I often fall behind on a lot of tasks. I am a wife, mother, full time student and work on the weekends so it is hard to make time for leisurely activities.

    Also wanted to say thank you for stopping by my site.


  41. You look gorgeous!! I adore your coat!


  42. Thankyou for your lovely comment. I love your outfit, especially the print dress. And yes I fully agree that time is never enough to do all the things I want to. x

  43. this is such a classy and chic dress LOVE it..
    and the sunglasses are super trendy

  44. Thanks for stopping by my blog!!

    nice post!

  45. this is the first python print dress ive ever seen and its gorgeous!! most times i just see shoes

  46. it happens to me too... i exactly can relate to that...
    Hope my husband can understand these things...
    Love this post hun! love yah girl!

  47. I wish also more than 24 hours a day too:) But it is nice to see that you manage to stay stylish while you are busy:)


  48. wow, you look classy. I love it. Thanks for spending time visiting my blogs among your busy schedule. I just watched movie In Time starring Justin Timberlake and Amanda Seyfried (her style was awesome), and it really makes me think about. Now i want to travel to my homeland and i am worried i have not time enough to blog as I am addicted. :)

    PS: I am new followers and entered your giveaway. Thanks

  49. i wish i had time to blog more too.

  50. Hi! I am visiting your blog after you stopped by mine earlier! Thanks for the comment, and I am now following you on google, and bloglovin, so come visit me again and follow if you like! I love your style and this python print dress is amazing! I love the picture with your hat as well! Hope to keep in touch!!! xx


  51. lovely look, i already enter in your giveaway :) i hope that you are interested to follow my blog, will be a pleasure for me

  52. Im in love with your dress! Nice post. I feel the same..

    Follow me on my blog:

  53. Oh Vale, I so know what you mean about life being time consuming :D story of my life ;) I love that new award, it's so cool :) congrats on the winners ;) xoxo

  54. grazie per il commento e per avermi trovata! che carino questo blog! <3

  55. I totally agree and was just telling my hubby I need more time to do all those things you have mentioned but my blogging time is so worth it, it's nice to know I am not alone. Now on to fashion.... love this look so sophisticated and the sunglasses love it!!

  56. Those boots really do make your outfit :)

  57. Ciao ho scoperto per caso il tuo blog.
    Mi ha colpito molto quanto hai scritto. Mi piacerebbe che tu visitassi il mio blog . E' ancora in fase embrionale me cerco sempre di fare del mio meglio!
    Carino l'abbinamento abito stivale

  58. what a super cool and lovely blog!
    I'm now following you, hope you'll follow back :)

  59. Thanks for stopping by my blog; sorry it took me so long to come by yours - I had to take a break from blogging to deal with some family stuff. ANyways, I like your style and am now following :) Your short-sleeved jacket is the perfect finishing touch on your outfit.

  60. hi i am now your follower because i really like your style and blog!

    maybe you can follow me, too!



  61. Amazing post. I feel just like you. I feel like I never have enough time in a day to do anything. I don't know how you are able to squeeze everything in with your busy life. My life is barely as busy as yours yet somehow I can never fine enough time!

    The cookie blog away is really interested. Thank you for sharing such a great idea.

    Thanks for visiting my blog. Please drop again soon and follow when you have the chance.

    I an now a new follower,

  62. My dear how are you?
    Very nice post. Love the outfit. Il scarpi anche il vestiti

    big bacci


  63. I completely agree, there are never enough hours in the day. Sometimes I think about giving up blogging so i have more time but i just couldn't! x


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